
LevelNorm 2 automatically normalises your audio files to R128, ATSC or custom targets.


You may have to select your loudness target. The default is R128, but if you need another target do so in the settings page. The next time you open LevelNorm2 it will be set to this preset automatically.

For realtime usage VST/AU/AAX:

- Load LevelNorm 2 on the last possible insert of your DAWs master bus.

- LevelNorm2 needs to read and analyse all final audio that will be exported. This is why it needs to be inserted on the last possible insert of your master bus. And you need to play all the final audio of your DAW project at least once.<

- Create and play all your final audio of your DAW project at least once.

- LevelNorm2 remembers your timeline. This means you are free to play your timeline in pieces in any order. This also means that when you change a small part in your timeline, you will only have to play that new part to let LevelNorm2 update the analysis for the whole track.

- In the interface you can check the span of timeline range that is measured. By the start and end times at the top left and right. If there is a gap (a missing part of the timeline) it will be displayed in red in the middle of the start and end times.

- Set your master fader at 0 dB and you are ready to export your audio.

- The master fader sits behind LevelNorm in the process chain. This is why it needs to be set to 0 dB, so it does not change the loudness of the exported audio.

- When you save your project (which a DAW does while exporting your audio), LevelNorm will adjust the volume of the audio that runs through it to match your target. You can also do this manually (but do not have to) when you stop playback and click on the red X icon in the LevelNorm2 interface. The X mark will then change into a green checkmark and the adjust gain value will be changed accordingly.

- Thats how easy it is. In theory you will never have to open the LevelNorm2 interface to export to target.

For offline usage AAX AudioSuite:

Just like its predecessor, LevelNorm2 can be used on clips in ProTools and MediaComposer. Select a clip to normalise then open LevelNorm2 from the AudioSuite - Dynamics list. Click 'Render' and you are done!


Open the LevelNorm2 interface and click on the cog wheel (top right) to open/close the settings page.

Here you can select your preferred preset (R128 / ATSC / Custom). When you select Custom you can create your own loudness target by manually setting the target, relative/dialog gate and peak limit. Target is the full scale (LUFS) value that the final audio should have. Relative gate can be switched on/off and set to a custom value. (the default is -10). Dialog gate detects voice in the audio and will only measure those parts. Peak limit setting will ensure the audio will not exceed this level, even if the loudness needs to be increased. Only attenuate will ensure to only lower the loudness if necessary but not increase it.

LevelNorm automatically sets the amount of channels to mono, stereo or surround, dependent on the source. In case your source is surround, please make sure that the ‘format’ is set to the right channel order. You can change this setting by clicking the window next to the text ‘format’. A drop down menu will open with a choice between SMPTE, Film and DTS channel order.

AudioSuite processing in Protools has relatively large freedom in selecting files and part of files. For instance for stereo either a true stereo track or two mono tracks can be selected. It is also possible to select part of a file or even more than one file on the timeline and analyse or process the total amount of selected audio.


Open the LevelNorm2 interface and click on the warning icon (top right) to open/close the warnings settings page.

Enabling these settings will warn you in the main screen, when their levels are being exceeded. Checking these values can be requirement in some production environments.